We convert your conference centre into a botanical garden and greenhouse, complete with plants, pots, tools and all the nutrients you will need to create your very own bonsai. You will have the benefit of specialist advice and pair up with someone new to not only create something together, but to shape life together and nurture it together as a living icon that can return the workplace with you and make the office a more natural place and greener environment.
With BONSAI BUDDIES you will unwind, relax and enjoy the social experience of working together whilst building new relationships and appreciating the key to this planet – harmony of life.
Precision, patience, respect, balance, quality, consistency, empathy, trust, interest and nurturing are just some of the tremendous values you can inculcate using Bonsai Buddies.
T | +27 861 353 353 |
E | info@elephants.co.za |
A |
PostNet Suite # S071 Private Bag X 10 Jeffreys Bay Eastern Cape, 6330 |
E | info@elephantsinmainstreet.com |
A |
15 Pendleton Road Wiswell Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 9DD |
E | info@elephantsinmainstreet.com |
A |
PO Box 629 Albany Creek QLD, 4035 |