In Game Plan, we actually help you deal with actual real-life situations and positively change the scoreboard as you work.
After any one of our turning point programs, delegates will meet our team back in the workplace. We'll have a desk, a space, an office and a place just as you do. We'll help you transfer all of the realisations, learnings and tools that you acquired during the off-site or breakaway team build back into your daily lives.
Game Plan will advance your team into helping you focus on the goal, unpack it into bite-sized pieces, and then shadow you and your people as you tackle each one. We provide real-time coaching, observations and feedback.
We help you make the links between the off-site experience and the realities of work. We help you to win as a team.
Game Plan helps provide certainty in terms of direction, convert confidence into real capacity and applies energy into tangible actions that change your team's position and ranking in the game you play each day.
We shadow and support you in every interaction from internal interdepartmental interfaces and customer engagement to supplier optimisation and alignment. We set up an internal academy which helps you capture your successes and replicate them as well as review your team's performance using ghost caller and mystery shopper type experiences.
In simple terms, the game is changing all the time. The difference between your team and your counterparts in your opposition's business is simple. Who is more organised? Who is training harder? Who has the better coaches? Who has the better Game Plan? Who can move the fastest?
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PostNet Suite # S071 Private Bag X 10 Jeffreys Bay Eastern Cape, 6330 |
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15 Pendleton Road Wiswell Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 9DD |
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PO Box 629 Albany Creek QLD, 4035 |